About Wolf-Bytes Computers


This will be a page were I will add to regularly add information about my computer business and help for everyone out there.

This week start doing a thorough cleaning of those hard drives, delete junk files, saved stuff not needed anymore, expired programs, uninstall them from add remove

just don’t delete them.  Use all of windows tools to help clean up the computer, download ccleaner and run it and delete everything it finds. run anti-malwarebytes and

delete everything it finds.  Schedule scans and update everything so you are running at peak.  Make sure drivers are up to date, replace old nic cards, tired dsl modems,

and update your routers if they have been around for a while.  Keep it clean, remove folders, exe, and install files from desktop as they load with windows slowing you

down.  Anything with a big file size on the desktop move it to a folder on windows explorer off the desktop to save boot time.  keep you msconfig clean for the startup and

you will be surprised at how much better your computer boots and runs.

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